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Close Contact Cover Image 16x9.jpg

‘Close Contact’ (2021-2022) is an exhibition conceived by curators Helena Schätzle and Thomas Niemeyer, which surveyed contemporary documentary photography in India, for the German gallery Städtische Galerie Nordhorn.

It features the works of 10 photographers focusing on gendered agency, family bonds, localised beliefs, social conflicts and minority narratives.

Close Contact Project Description

Close Contact


Städtische Galerie Nordhorn
Helena Schätzle (photojournalist + concept)
Thomas Niemeyer (curator + concept)


The curatorial approach by head curator Thomas Niemeyer and photojournalist Helena Schätzle (who practiced in India for 12 years) served to highlight the personal connection in each artist's auto-ethnographic work. 

Some turned the lens on themselves and their own communities, some staged stylistic imagery for social commentary, and some captured the urgent, the mundane, and the excluded, to help create a record. The outcome was a bold exhibition of unconventional narratives that expanded the archives of Indian culture, state and society.

Building on my prior experience in photo essay design, I proposed that instead of a showcase, we produce an exhibition catalogue of 10 mini-photo essays, allowing the display of each project to have a unique layout responding to its visual and textual content.

Working with a square format (10x10 in) enabled the book to emulate the feeling of a gallery wall in a reader's hands. With every featured project given 2 spreads each, the layout became a tool in building narrative. Throughout the design process, we committed to the rules of having as many large-scale openers (the first image for each project) as possible, and as few changes in image sizes in the opposing and following spreads.
This approach also facilitated a consistent typographic treatment of text: in the artists' reflections on their methods, the curators' essays in the preface, as well as the cover design.
Each textual section also had a German-language counterpart. My familiarity with many of the artists' works enabled me to assist as a de facto fact-checker and proofreader.

Image of stack of catalogues.
A GIF showing the opening spreads for each of the 10 projects in the catalogue.



Spread with curator's essays titled "Documentary Photography from India" and "Photography in India"


Spread depicting a Muslim woman lighting incense sticks.
Spread depicting two woman forest rangers taking a break.
Spread depicting a Lisu woman lying down.
Spread depicting three photographs, one of a woman in the shower, one of a house party, one of a woman at a beach.
Spread depicting three family photographs of a child sleeping, a woman getting an ultra-sound, and the legs of children.
Spread depicting a young girl looking at her father's dead body encased in glass.
Spread depicting a woman kissing a parrot.
Spread depicting a woman lowering herself into a water body.
Spread depicting a young girl and an adolescent male affected by nuclear radiation.
Spread of three photographs, one of relief workers in the night, one of crematorium workers, one of a person gasping.


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